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Multi-Surface Primer

Perfectly Prepared Surfaces

Perfectly Prepared Surfaces supplies called Multi-Surface Primer by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Multi-Surface Primer
Essential Supplies Kit

Everything You Need

Essential Supplies Kit Essential Supplies Kit
White Ceiling Paint

Spatter-Less Application

Spatter-Less Application supplies called White Ceiling Paint by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Spatter-Less Application supplies called White Ceiling Paint by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
Eco Paint Brush Set

Silky Smooth Strokes

Eco Paint Brush Set Eco Paint Brush Set
Decorators Tape

Perfect Neat Edges

Perfect Neat Edges supplies called Decorators Tape by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Perfect Neat Edges supplies called Decorators Tape by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
Eco Paint Roller

Smooth Even Finish

Eco Paint Roller Eco Paint Roller
COAT Prep Kit

Repair & Smooth Surfaces

COAT Prep Kit COAT Prep Kit
Eco Paint Brush

Silky Smooth Strokes

Eco Paint Brush Eco Paint Brush
Eco Paint Tray

Lightweight Recycled Material

Eco Paint Tray Eco Paint Tray
Sugar Soap

Pristine Clean Surfaces

Pristine Clean Surfaces supplies called Sugar Soap by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Pristine Clean Surfaces supplies called Sugar Soap by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
Mini Eco Paint Roller

Smooth Even Finish

Mini Eco Paint Roller Mini Eco Paint Roller
Paint Roller Sleeves

Smooth Even Finish

Paint Roller Sleeves Paint Roller Sleeves
Mini Paint Roller Sleeves

Smooth Even Finish

Mini Paint Roller Sleeves Mini Paint Roller Sleeves
Wall Filler

Repair Damaged Walls

Repair Damaged Walls supplies called Wall Filler by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Repair Damaged Walls supplies called Wall Filler by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
Paint Tin Opener

Popping Lids

Popping Lids supplies called Paint Tin Opener by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company Popping Lids supplies called Paint Tin Opener by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
E-Gift Card

COAT Paints

COAT Paints supplies called E-Gift Card by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company COAT Paints supplies called E-Gift Card by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
COAT x Marcus Aitken Print

COAT Paints

COAT Paints supplies called COAT x Marcus Aitken Print by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company COAT Paints supplies called COAT x Marcus Aitken Print by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company

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Any Colour, Made Better.

Let COAT hand-mix your favourite shade from any brand, or our extended palette, and make a Climate Positive Paint choice.

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