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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?


When did paint get so painful? Endless trips to stores, complex colours choices and endless aisles of overproduced products left us frustrated. So, we changed the game.

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B Corp (& Beyond).

100% made to order with zero waste. COAT is leading the way, as the world's first Climate Positive and B Corp certified paint company.

Time For Something Different

When you’re next in a paint store, run a finger over the dusty tins. Mass production and miles of shipping have created a wasteful paint industry, and a complex buying experience. COAT was born to deliver beautiful paints in curated colours, directly to you - without the middlemen. Unrivalled paints, consciously delivered.

Paint Principles

Paint is just a recipe, but not all paint is created equal. High quality paint means depth, coverage and a flawless finish that reacts subtly to the light.

So we formulated the only products you’ll ever need, using the best ingredients sourced from the UK - including fresh water, clay, and limestone.

We also decided not to mass-produce, so every COAT tin is freshly made to your order avoiding waste and overproduction.

We started COAT for anyone who wants a stylish home, without the hassle or environmental impact. It’s not that complex, it’s just amazing paint that’s made with a conscience.

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