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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

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Millie Mackintosh

A six-colour palette of playful pastels and soothing shades, inspired by mindfulness and designed with Millie’s signature style to bring fresh, uplifting energy to any home.

Planning a project? Get 3 samples for FREE

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Cabinets in


“Creating a mindful home environment has been essential to me, especially as I’ve navigated motherhood and my personal wellness journey. Every colour in this collection is a reflection of that. I wanted this palette to encourage people to slow down, reflect, and create spaces that feel comforting and rejuvenating.”


Millie Mackintosh

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Shop the shades

Try Millie's six shades at home with the handy Peel & Stick sample pack.

Walls in


At home with Millie

We took a trip to Chelsea for an exclusive first look around Millie's newly completed renovation.

Nourish and



Consciously made

UK Made * Water-based Paint * Eco-Accessories * Recyclable * Carbon Offset * Sustainably Sourced * B Corp Certified

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