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What is Non Toxic Paint?

Lots of paints claim to be non toxic, yet it is pretty unclear what this means. So let's shed some light on what non toxic paint actually is…

The label ‘non toxic’ doesn't have one fixed and regulated definition, meaning it has been used in many different ways by different companies. But put simply, it means a paint product that isn't choc-full of chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. Thankfully COAT's entire paint range is water-based low VOC, so you can choose any of our colours confidently.

White Emulsion Paint Low Salt

The most prominent toxic ingredient in paint that should be avoided are called 'VOC's - or 'Volatile Organic Compounds'. Did you know, that of the 9.8 billion gallons of paint produced last year, only 30% was water-based and low VOC? So choose carefully. VOCs are solvents that are often added into paints to make them dry quickly, or for fluidity. These VOCs are emitted when painting, and can even last up to five years after the paint has dried. Breathing in VOCs can cause breathing issues, headaches and nausea - so choosing products with low levels of VOCs is definitely best. COAT's entire product range is low VOC, and entirely water-based.

Dark Green Paint Ditch The Tie

Up until quite recently normal paints were full of lots of nasty stuff, including VOCs. Think back to the gloss paints of the 90's - oil-based and really stinky. Laws have now changed so that companies have to be clear about what ingredients are in their paint, and really high VOC paint is no longer allowed. Having said that, there are still some paint choices on the market that are much worse than others. Thankfully with COAT's range of water-based low VOC paints, you know you're in safe hands. Our paints meet or exceed European standards for low VOC paint products - which are the strictest regulations in the world.

Dark Green Emulsion Paint Ditch The Tie

The Ethical Consumer Guide says that ‘Generally, plant-based, water-borne paints are the best buy, followed by plant-based, solvent-borne ones with natural solvents’. COAT Paints are water based, Low VOC, not tested on animals and vegan too. So, whether you are looking for non toxic wood paint or non toxic wall paint, COAT is a great place to shop for your perfect colour.

COAT also partners with B-Corp certified company ‘Eco Union’ for our painting supplies, which means you can say goodbye to nasty plastic brushes and commit to high-grade sustainable painting kit that's made to last.

Ready to paint? Shop COAT colours here.



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