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What is Washable Paint?

Painting a room is one of the quickest and most pocket-friendly ways to spruce up a space. But if you're going to put the effort in, you want it to last right?

Bags in the hallway. Kids sticky paws, or grown up red wine spills (ahem)... you need your paint to stand up to normal life. We're not up for re-decorating every time there's a spill. Thankfully all of COAT's paint is durable, so you don't need to worry.

So what is Washable Paint? What does it actually mean?

You'll see words like 'Washable' and 'Scrubbable' used to describe most interior paints, certainly any that are worth their salt. It basically means that the paint will stand up to being cleaned and scrubbed if it gets marked. So you don't have to wince at every scrape in the hallway.

Dark Blue Interior Emulsion Paint COAT 2AM

All COAT paint is washabale. Image from @soph_eddie.

All COAT paint is 'Scrub Class 1' - that's the industry classification for a paint that stands up the best to washing and scrubbing. Once properly dried and cured (about 2 weeks after application it'll be at full strength) COAT paint will take a lot of wiping and scrubbing without damaging or removing the paint surface, keeping everything looking fresh for longer. Ideal.

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So, can I get the washable paint wet?

To clean marks off, sure. You'll need to use warm water and a mild detergent usually. You shouldn't expose regular interior emulsion paint to water all the time though - in a wet or humid room you'll usually need a specially designed Kitchen & Bathroom paint that's moisture proof.

Beige Bathroom Emulsion Paint COAT Sunday Soul

You can wet paint to clean it, but not regularly

What is Kitchen Paint?

Kitchen paint is washable, and then some. Kitchen paint is also moisture resistant, meaning it's designed to cope easily with splashes and humidity in a kitchen. It has a classy shine to it, and is super easy to keep clean and wipe down too. COAT's entire Soft Sheen Range is perfect for Kitchens, being mould and moisture resistant too.

Kitchen paint is designed to be super easy-clean and durable

What is Bathroom Paint?

Just like Kitchen paint, Bathroom paint is durable, wipeable, moisture and mould resistant. Designed for the wetness of the bathroom, Bathroom paint will stand the test of time against humidity and splashes whilst being super easy to keep clean too. Again, opt for something from COAT's Soft Sheen Range to keep the bathroom looking tip-top.

Bathroom Emulsion Paint COAT Paints

Bathroom paint is moisture and mould resistant

So whether you’re looking for some washable paint for the house, or a specialist Kitchen or Bathroom paint that's moisture resistant - we've got you!

Shop COAT Paints for your project.


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