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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

BoxNine7 and The Conscious Collection

Introducing BoxNine7; a design-led, turnkey furnishing solutions and interior design service for landlords, investors, developers and private clients. They're also Britain’s first B Corp Certified interior design collective, and we’re all about supporting other game-changing brands.

We chose to work with BoxNine7 to deck out the walls for their latest project: The Conscious Collection.

In partnership with global real estate developers, Ghelamco, BoxNine7 have recently unveiled the collection within The Arc development, an award-winning gem nestled in the vibrant heart of Shoreditch.

The collection brings together the very best in sustainable products designed for longevity, with the use of durable and high-quality materials that will withstand the demands of everyday use. 

BoxNine7 chose 4 colours from the core COAT palette to be included in the collection; Sheldon, Duvet Day, Moving Day and The Old Corset Factory.

We're really chuffed BoxNine7 chose us for their most sustainable collection. You can read more about the collection here.



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