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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

NEOM Organics, Edinburgh St James

The Neom Organics store in St James Quarter, Edinburgh, was designed as an engaging, sensory space which would allow customers to fully immerse themselves in the Neom experience. 

Inspired by the beautiful flagship store in Liverpool Street, London, the design of the Edinburgh wellbeing hub focuses on taking the customer on a journey of mood.

We partnered with our friends at B Corp fit-out collective, Jungle, and global designers Zebra Projects to create this mood-enhancing space.

With sustainability at the core of this project, they needed a paint that could stand up to the test. We worked with the team to curate pastel colour shades, selected from our extended palette, to represent each element of the wellbeing range and complement the eclectic neon lights in Neom's distinctive wellbeing colours.

The project has recently won the Anna Whitehead Prize for Sustainability Project of the Year at the 2023 British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) Awards.

This really validates the effort and thought that goes into all the little things that cumulatively reduce the impact of a retail fit-out. Sustainability doesn’t have to come at extra cost, it just takes a conscious effort.


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