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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

COAT Paints supports new generation art gallery, Wilo & Grove

In the heart of Paris, the new generation art gallery, Wilo & Grove, is dusting off the art market. In a boutique designed like an apartment, newbies and art connoisseurs discover the favourite works of a team of enthusiasts. In this mid-century decor with antique furniture by Xavier Brunswick, it feels quite natural that COAT Paints found its place to enhance the works of hand-picked artists.   

Deep shades

For this exclusive partnership, Wilo & Grove chose three accent walls in deep, bright colours, to highlight the works of the gallery's artists while creating an identity specific to each piece in the gallery. Wilo & Grove chose The Old Corset Factory, a slightly blackened industrial red, for the bedroom area, Park Life, our sage green, and The Drink, our deep blue.    

“We wanted colours that were impactful but also timeless,” says Ariana Detroyes, editorial, communications and marketing manager at Wilo & Grove , “The choice was important to us. It was not just a question of finding beautiful colours to give more life to our walls, but above all to choose those which best enhance our works of art."


A collaboration that makes sense

Ariana continues: "We were looking for an eco-responsible paint brand and that's how we discovered COAT Paints. Their color proposition stands out from the rest of the market."


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