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Beyond Apartments Latest Project in Waterloo

Beyond Apartments has just launched their latest project in Waterloo, London. Fitted out to the highest Sustainable Standards and operated according to their Low Impact, Sustainable approach to reduce business impact and improve the guest experience and wellbeing.

The apartments are on the 11th floor, above an office building and are a mix of one and two bed apartments, offering some of the best views in London over the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament.

Beyond took what can best be described as 'tired' apartments and made them their own, using only the lowest impact suppliers, with Screenshot and Mansard selected from the COAT range, as well as engineered wood click flooring from Kite FlooringDevon Duvets and circular low toxin furniture to create functional, comfortable spaces.

It doesn't stop there. The apartments are run on 100% electricity from Green Energy UK, use Nest controls to monitor and manage usage, are Low Waste and we use Zero chemicals to clean (electrolysed water & salt solution) and Oxwash to clean linen, washed at 30C, delivered by electric vehicles.

Interested in learning more about these showstopping serviced apartments? Reach out to the Beyond Apartments team at 0207 856 0435.


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