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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

Black Friday - What's The Deal?

Don't impulse buy paint. Trust us, it never ends well

We're big fans of conscious, considered purchases. That's why unlike the big guns in the paint industry - we mix every tin of COAT to order, by hand. There's no waste, and no over-production. 

Knowing that paint projects take time and consideration, it's unlikely anyone's going to grab a tin and get cracking off the bat. But if you're already sat at home, COAT Swatches in hand, we're happy to help kick things off in the spirit of 'hype'.

We’ll be quietly offering a few treats to our customers over the week - largely as a 'Thank You' for supporting a small business trying to make a big impact on the world. 

What if I'm not a COAT customer yet?

Don't impulse buy paint. Nothing good comes of that.

But if you’re an interiors lover or pondering a project that’s coming up, let’s get you started with one of our beautiful (and recyclable) Colour Cards, on the house. By ordering you'll join the COAT club and get our Black Friday emails too.

Grab A Free Colour Card

I'm already a COAT customer

If you’ve got your swatches, or are a pro painter who’s got the bug for another project - keep an eye on your emails. Something's coming that's nice for pockets, and the planet...

Getting honest about paint

A lot of brands claim to be transparent, but what does that mean? In the age of greenwashing and wokewashing - does offering big deals in a broken industry really do the world any good?

COAT’s an open book, so we’re never shy to share all the inner workings of our business. Have a read, ask us questions and if you’re on our page, demand the same of every brand you love. 


Check out our Impact Report


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