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COAT's TV ad campaign on Channel 4

We're super proud to be back on Channel 4 for the summer with the next installment of our national TV ad campaign.

Keep your eyes peeled in the ad breaks of shows like Location, Location, Location; The Big Interiors Battle and Sarah Beeny's New Life in the Country.

When COAT started, we rethought paint from scratch and our ad creative, under the campaign line ‘This is the Paint’, is no different. Speaking to a generation who want to own their style and use paint to showcase their most special stuff, we’re excited to challenge the norm.

The new campaign highlights the much-loved, often quirky, objects people display in their homes; using them to build their personal style.

The Summer spot, Dancefloor, features a square of dancefloor ‘rescued’ from a nightclub, which reminds a parent of happy nights in the past spent dancing till the early hours. Based on many true stories, she tells us about the power of the dancefloor tile to take her back to her dancing days.

Love the colour? It's 2AM. Grab a Swatch here.

Dancefloor joins Lucky Doll in the series of ads that showcases ‘real’ culturally-relevant style stories rather than glossy ‘show home’ sets.

Lucky Doll, features a doll saved from childhood, which now sits pride of place in a mid-century inspired bedroom. Based on a true story, we hear the owner talk about why the doll is special specifically to him.

Love the colour? It's Pan. Grab a Swatch here.

Looking for some colour for your story? Browse the shades here.

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