Most paint companies make coloured paint in huge batches - thousands of litres at a time. That means predicting colour trends, and trying to match production with demand. The pre-mixed paint then sits on the shelf until someone buys it (or doesn’t).
Run your finger over the tins on your next paint store visit. We bet they're dusty...
In fact, one of the biggest disasters in the paint industry is over production and waste. Millions of litres of paint every year goes to landfill, simply because it doesn’t sell. We don’t think that’s smart, or environmentally friendly.
The Answer: COAT Zero Waste Production
At COAT we don’t mix any paint until you order it. Simple. That means you get the freshest paint and nothing ever gets wasted. We send zero paint to landfill - which no other paint company can claim, sadly.
How it works
The minute you place an order, it gets passed straight to COAT’s expert mixologists. They configure the recipe for the colour you’ve chosen, dispense it and finish by hand - to order. Your paint is then carefully packaged and shipped directly to you.
Fresh paint direct to your door in less than 24 hours, with nothing wasted and Carbon Neutral delivery. It’s the COAT way.
What about afterwards?
However good your calculations, most people end up with a little paint left over. It’s nice to have a bit spare for accidents and touch ups, but the rest can be returned to COAT via our 360-degree recycling programme. Even empty tins can be sent back for full reprocessing.
Simply package up your unwanted tins and paint dregs, and we’ll collect them. Every element is recycled and reprocessed, with absolutely nothing being sent to landfill.