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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

How COAT Paints Transformed Hayward Gallery

Located in the heart of the city, Hayward Gallery has always been a cultural hub, offering visitors a diverse range of artworks from both established and emerging artists. We were delighted to work with Hayward Gallery to adapt their space ahead of the opening of their latest exhibition, 'Dear Earth: Art & Hope In A Time Of Crisis'.


The Chosen Palette

The COAT Trade team worked closely with the gallery, carefully selecting a combination of colours that would harmonise with the various artworks while maintaining a distinct identity for each section. Hayward Gallery opted for David Rose and Big Timer from the core COAT palette, as well as two bespoke colours from the extended Trade palette.


Sustainable Transformation

Beyond aesthetics, COAT Paints demonstrated its commitment to sustainability throughout the project. Our eco-friendly and low-VOC paints ensured that the gallery's transformation aligned with responsible environmental practices. 

If you're a curator looking to transform your gallery, get in touch with the COAT Trade team to beginning specifying your project.



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