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Emily Penrose Design Transform Marylebone Office

Emily Penrose Design were tasked by a property investment client to reimagine a 3,200 sq ft floorplan in the heart of Marylebone. 

Partnering with Gemco contracts, Emily Penrose Design removed the cellular offices to open up the space, immediately transforming the floor into a light, open workplace. Multiple break-out spaces, zoom rooms and a large sociable kitchen area were incorporated into the design along with an array of earthy colours, materials and textures. Emily Penrose Design envisioned a space that combined the comfort and warmth of a residential setting with the functionality and practicality required of a modern workplace.


"Emily Penrose Design continue to be a huge fan of COAT Paints, for the quality of the paints and the wide choice of beautiful colours available. So much so, we used 5 different colours in our Marylebone project -  Duvet Day, The Old Corset Factory, No Offence, Brewer and Yard Party. The customer service is also second to none." - Emily Penrose.


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