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Neutral Grey Alternatives

So you’re looking for a grey paint, then you realise your whole house is a palette of greys. Is it still ‘in’ or should you be mixing it up?

The Room, and Your Style

Fundamentally you need to be comfortable in any colour you choose. It needs to suit the room shape and function, the contents and your style. Grey is still a really popular colour, so don’t be put off if this is your vibe. Depending on the grey you choose it can create cool or warming backdrops and you can add a pop of colour and texture with your furnishings.

Creds: duck_and_doodle via Instagram


A Neutral Change to Beige

Nope, you’re done with grey for now, time for something different. Rising up the trend polls is our good friend Beige. If you’re looking to still keep a subtle backdrop, then beige is the ultimate neutral. Again it offers cooler lighter, or warmer richer tones and is becoming a firm favourite. Beige can conjure a modern and sophisticated feel, but it is also comfortable and easy on the eye. A beige tone works well with the classic white trim if you want to keep it simple. COAT has a range of beige options, from the dark beige Pudding, to the cosy Sunday Soul. Take your pick!


Greige: The Best of Both Worlds

So take the best of beige and grey, give it a mix and out pops Greige. It takes the best qualities of both and is also extremely popular at the moment. Greige is a versatile neutral, richer in colour thanks to the addition of the grey to the beige base. The more grey in your greige, the cooler the final result. Greige can run circles around beige when it comes to versatility. A traditional beige shows a bit of a yellow tone, which makes it a tad harder to coordinate with cooler colors, whereas greige nails it and is often easier to collab with other colours.

If you love your grey but worry about the coldness, greige could be the answer. See COAT greiges.

 Hello, Muted Lilac

Finally, let's take a moment for the lilac movement, a revolution that harks to the 90’s. A very pale purple tone can do wonders for your walls and offer a soft neutral to compliment your space. All we can say is give it a try, grab a sample of COAT Montage now, it’s a beaut.

Whatever direction you take, COAT's Neutral palette has got you covered (with a few greys too). Take a look here.


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