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Cut the faff, try them all. Why not choose a designer-curated pack?

COAT paints Digital called Colour Consultation by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
COAT paints Digital called Colour Consultation by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
COAT paints Digital called Colour Consultation by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company
COAT paints Digital called Colour Consultation by COAT Paints the eco friendly paint company


You know your style, but sometimes an expert opinion means a lot. Share your likes and your vision with our resident Colour Gurus, and let us craft the perfect timeless scheme.
  • 60-min video call or home visit
  • Specification
  • free samples
  • Curated Digital Image Pack
  • bespoke colour scheme
  • colour CONFIDENCE
  • Bespoke Moodboards (In-Home Only)
  • £50 off paint order (In-Home Only)

Your Colour

  • Bookings to suit the time of your project
  • An hour will give you time to nail the vibe for four rooms
  • You'll get 1:1 time with our paint experts

Your Palette Suggestions

  • Get complimentary samples to suit your space
  • You'll get a tailored moodboard and suggestions to help visualise
  • We can also help with quantities, finishes and ordering advice too


UK Made *
 Water-based Paint *
 Eco-Accessories *
 Recyclable *
 Carbon Offset *
 Sustainably Sourced *
 B Corp Certified

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